Hey Major Daley: Why don’t you pull your head out of your ass?
Keep in mind three things: #1) Chicago has a complete and total ban on the possession of handguns just like the D.C. law found unconstitutional last year. #2) Illinois completely prohibits concealed carry. #3) Every State that has passed concealed carry laws has experienced a drop in violent crime and a drop in the number of murders.
508 Chicago School Students Shot In 16 Months
Twenty-five Chicago Public School students have been murdered this year. As shocking as that number is, there is another figure that's very disturbing as well: the number of students who have been shot in a 16-month period is enough to fill an elementary school - 508 students, according to school officials. CBS station WBBM-TV in Chicago's Chief Correspondent Jay Levine asks why, and what is being done to stop it. Think about it. By this time tomorrow, odds are at least one Chicago Public School student will have been shot. {{Update}} {{The writer was correct, there was one more and the number as of 3-12-09 stands at 26 for 2008-2009 school year with three months to go!}} By this time next week, there'll be seven.
It's a staggering, frightening, shameful statistic that judging from the reaction we got, those who could do something aren't anxious to talk about. "No one really wants to address this but we need to call for a state of emergency," said Pastor Roosevelt Watkins……
2008: Chicago Murders Total Tops U.S. Soldier Deaths in Iraq
by BMCWrites January 5, 2009 at 08:18 pm
Few Americans realize the number of people murdered in Chicago during 2008 was larger than the number of U.S. soldier deaths in Iraq during the same period.
In a Sept. 4 post, I noted an effort by Chicago’s CBS television affiliate to change that fact. CBS2Chicago broadcast a report that included an interesting stat — that is, the city’s 125 summer murders total nearly doubled the number of soldiers killed in Iraq during the same time period (65). Unfortunately, they seemed to stand alone.
In a Sept. 4 post, I noted an effort by Chicago’s CBS television affiliate to change that fact. CBS2Chicago broadcast a report that included an interesting stat — that is, the city’s 125 summer murders total nearly doubled the number of soldiers killed in Iraq during the same time period (65). Unfortunately, they seemed to stand alone.
Five days ago, Associated Press had the opportunity to share the facts for comparison. Unfortunately, they opted to publish a story containing only half of the story (i.e., that at least 314 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq during 2008, down from 904 in the previous year).
Four days ago, the folks at the Chicago Tribune had a similar chance. Unfortunately, their article that appeared in yesterday’s edition also included only half of the story (i.e., that the Windy City closed 2008 with 509 homicides, an increase of about 15 percent over 2007).
Combine the two stories, and the whole 2008 picture — the picture unpainted by members of the media — is made clear:
Combine the two stories, and the whole 2008 picture — the picture unpainted by members of the media — is made clear:
314 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq;
509 people were murdered in Chicago.
509 people were murdered in Chicago.
Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley)
Cook County Board President, Todd Stroger (son of former Bd. President Stroger)
Sens. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin,Rep. Jesse Jackson, Rahm Emmanuel and several others all Democrats.Gov. Rod Blogojevich,House leader Mike Madigan,Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike Madigan)
.....our leadership in Illinois.....all Democrats.
City of Chicago Alderman – all Dems
Cook County Board Members – all Dems
Illinois House of Representatives – run by Dems
Illinois State Senate – run by mostly all Dems
Cook County Board President, Todd Stroger (son of former Bd. President Stroger)
Sens. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin,Rep. Jesse Jackson, Rahm Emmanuel and several others all Democrats.Gov. Rod Blogojevich,House leader Mike Madigan,Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike Madigan)
.....our leadership in Illinois.....all Democrats.
City of Chicago Alderman – all Dems
Cook County Board Members – all Dems
Illinois House of Representatives – run by Dems
Illinois State Senate – run by mostly all Dems
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago.
Of course, they're all blaming each other.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in the Country.
Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Look 'em up if you want).
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country.
Major Daley’s response to any attempt at concealed carry is to claim that it would turn our streets into the “Wild West” with shoot-outs happening all the time. Hey Dickhead: There already are shoot-outs all the frickin time on your damn streets! It’s fricken worse in Chicago than in the whole bloody country of Iraq! And it’s much worse in Chicago than in Iraq’s capital city of Baghdad. Chicago averaged 1.4 shoot-out murders each day in 2008!
Also, studies have shown that in states that pass concealed carry laws people with concealed carry permits don’t go around shooting people and in fact, people with concealed carry permits are eight (8) times less likely to be involved in a crime than the average ordinary citizen.
So Major Daley: When are you going to pull your Head out of your ASS?
You, Major Daley, are directly responsible for an inflated murder rate that would be on average around 7-14% lower if concealed carry were permitted. So in 2008 numbers, around 50 people who died could have been saved if you allowed for concealed carry. 50 PEOPLE!!!
Rant over: My $.02.
Major Daley’s response to any attempt at concealed carry is to claim that it would turn our streets into the “Wild West” with shoot-outs happening all the time. Hey Dickhead: There already are shoot-outs all the frickin time on your damn streets! It’s fricken worse in Chicago than in the whole bloody country of Iraq! And it’s much worse in Chicago than in Iraq’s capital city of Baghdad. Chicago averaged 1.4 shoot-out murders each day in 2008!
Also, studies have shown that in states that pass concealed carry laws people with concealed carry permits don’t go around shooting people and in fact, people with concealed carry permits are eight (8) times less likely to be involved in a crime than the average ordinary citizen.
So Major Daley: When are you going to pull your Head out of your ASS?
You, Major Daley, are directly responsible for an inflated murder rate that would be on average around 7-14% lower if concealed carry were permitted. So in 2008 numbers, around 50 people who died could have been saved if you allowed for concealed carry. 50 PEOPLE!!!
Rant over: My $.02.